Thursday, July 3, 2008

Termas de Chillan new website

Termas de Chillan has changed owners and is now called Nevados de Chillan Mountain Resort. The official website is Prices have changed for lift tickets and for the 2008 season the official prices are:

Day Ticket Adult 13years and older/Día Adulto desde 13 años y + $ 25.000 = around $52.00 usd
Day Ticket Child 6 to 12 years old/Día Niño de 6 a 12 años $ 18.000 = around $40.00 usd
Día Infante hasta 5 años $ 5.000
Adult Half Day / 1/2 día Adulto $ 18.000 = around $40.00 usd
1/2 día Niño $ 13.000
1/2 día Infante $ 3.500
Adult Seasons pass price for Chillan Seasons Pass Temporada Adulto $ 500.000 = around $1100-$1200 usd
Temporada Niño $ 360.000
Temporada Infante $ 100.000
Combinado Tickets + Equipo Adulto $ 35.000
Combinado Tickets + Equipo Niños $ 25.000
Fast Track $ 50.000
Escuela Ski & Snowboard

Privada 1 hr 1 a 2 personas $ 35.000
Privada 1 hr 3 a 7 personas $ 50.000
Privada 2 hrs 1 a 2 personas $ 60.000
Privada 2 hrs 3 a 7 personas $ 80.000
Contratación diaria 6 hrs 1 a 2 personas $ 160.000
Contratación diaria 6 hrs 3 a 7 personas $ 220.000
Rental Ski & Snow

Arriendo diario equipo completo Adulto $ 15.000
Arriendo diario equipo completo Niño $ 12.000
Arriendo de Motos
Media hora en circuito "El Tata" $ 10.500
Combinado Plaza OTTO
Ticket + Rental + Clases

(solo clases en area verde)
Clases 2 hrs. 11:00 a 13:00 hrs
o 14:00 a 16:00 hrs
$ 40.000


  1. Hi I just wanted to let you know that I included you in my list of other blogs in Chile. I just recently started my blog and if you would like to see my blog or my list of other blogs you can check them both out at

  2. I was wondering if you had a recommendation where I can find legit snow reports and weather reports for Chile. I was wondering what you used. Thanks.

  3. Check out, its the best place so far I've found, even though the reports aren't always correct. It usually has a 60-70% accuracy rate about whether to expect snow, the depth of snowfall is almost never fully correct though. In Chile its so hard to get the right prediction because the clouds can move in unpredictable ways. Valle Nevado resort has a webcam, check their link on this page.
