Monday, November 2, 2009
Manuel Diaz Snowboarding from Chile to Stevens Pass in this Video
A look inside the Chilean connection at Stevens Pass, WA. Cinematographer Jeremy Dubs takes you behind the scenes of filming How The Northwest Was One to talk about the Chilean invasion at Stevens Pass and how it all started. Get the scoop on Chilean ripper Manuel Diaz, as he blasts new lines at Stevens Pass.
Learn more about Manuel Diaz and the Wildcard Snowboard Crew:
Chilean Invasion,
Jeremy Dubs,
manuel Diaz,
Stevens Pass
Monday, September 28, 2009
Pucon BigBang 2009
Last Year's BigBang Video
Subject: BigBang 2009
Big Bangers! The official expected date will be the 10th, 11th, and 12th of October (12th is a holiday). This year the new administration isn't showing much interest in supporting the Big Bang, which is a shame. Thankfully the contest is organized by riders for riders so the mountain will be there and there we will be. The selected spots will be close to the cafeteria so you will all be able to walk and have support of the snowmobiles.
Fees: $20.000 Chilean pesos
Includes 3 days of epic sessions and BBQ.
Ensure your participation by sending us a message with your info.
The BigBang Crew
Asunto: BigBang 2009
Big Banggers! Oficialmente el esperado contest sera los dias 10, 11 y 12 de Octubre (12 Lunes Feriado) . Este año la nueva administracion no presentó mayor interes en el apoyo al Big Bang es una pena, pero la gracvia de esto es que es organizado por riders para riders asi que la montaña estará ahi y ahi lo haremos. Los spots seleccionados seran cerca de la cafeteria por lo que sera todo caminando y con el soporte de algunas motos de nieve.
Inscripcion $20.000
Incluye 3 dias de sesiones epicas y asado.
Asegura tu participacion enviandonos un mensaje de vuelta con tus datos.
BigBang Crew
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Invitación Atilio in Memory, y Premiación final Circuito Heineken RSS 2009
Junto con saludarlos tenemos el agrado de invitarlos este sábado 26 de septiembre al "Atilio In Memory Session" que corresponde a la última fecha del Circuito Profesional Freestyle Ski & Snowboard “Circuito Heineken RSS”, una de las fechas más esperadas del año. El evento es un memorial que recuerda a nuestro fallecido amigo y gran snowboarder Atilio Cremaschi quien nos dejara hace ya 3 años. La competencia consiste en un Slope Style, y se realiza en el Mono Park de Valle Nevado,
Esta fecha del Circuito toma especial importancia al ser el último evento, y el que definirá las posiciones del Ranking. Participan a la vez todas las categorías del circuito (Open Ski & Snowboard, Hombres & Mujeres) quienes pelearán por los puntos que entregará la competencia, la que al ser un “Memorial” califica como una de las más importantes, y por lo tanto recibe el máximo de puntaje (140 pts. al primer lugar).
Para finalizar este gran se realizará la Premiación del Circuito Heineken RSS donde se premiarán a los 3 primeros lugares del Ranking Nacional (no cuentan extranjeros) en una gran fiesta que se realizará en el “Blue Tambo” de Farellones (ex Alemán), evento con música en vivo, cóctel y muchas otras sorpresas.
Más información en o en
Equipo ANDeN
PD: Se adjunta Afiche fiesta y Afiche Atilio in Memory
Junto con saludarlos tenemos el agrado de invitarlos este sábado 26 de septiembre al "Atilio In Memory Session" que corresponde a la última fecha del Circuito Profesional Freestyle Ski & Snowboard “Circuito Heineken RSS”, una de las fechas más esperadas del año. El evento es un memorial que recuerda a nuestro fallecido amigo y gran snowboarder Atilio Cremaschi quien nos dejara hace ya 3 años. La competencia consiste en un Slope Style, y se realiza en el Mono Park de Valle Nevado,
Esta fecha del Circuito toma especial importancia al ser el último evento, y el que definirá las posiciones del Ranking. Participan a la vez todas las categorías del circuito (Open Ski & Snowboard, Hombres & Mujeres) quienes pelearán por los puntos que entregará la competencia, la que al ser un “Memorial” califica como una de las más importantes, y por lo tanto recibe el máximo de puntaje (140 pts. al primer lugar).
Para finalizar este gran se realizará la Premiación del Circuito Heineken RSS donde se premiarán a los 3 primeros lugares del Ranking Nacional (no cuentan extranjeros) en una gran fiesta que se realizará en el “Blue Tambo” de Farellones (ex Alemán), evento con música en vivo, cóctel y muchas otras sorpresas.
Más información en o en
Equipo ANDeN
PD: Se adjunta Afiche fiesta y Afiche Atilio in Memory
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Dos Tiempos Snowmobile Operation
Un Chile que no todos ven, otro mundo. Despues de años intentando alcanzar el estilo, hemos llegado al corazon de la Cordillera de los Andes, sin otro proposito que destrozarla andando!!! Al fin ese powder soñado, el de la cima, a nuestro alcance.
Our friend Cristian Wehrhahn runs a snowmobile operation around Chile and the andes called Dos Tiempos. He has a custom snowmobile transporter truck that fits 5 sleds in the back with and electronic lift system. Cristian and a team of guides will take you wherever you would like to go in the Chilean backcountry. They've brought teams from Oakley, Burton, Snickers, and many more into terrain that is only hit by the lucky few. Almost as good as heli, you can ride fresh pow with these guys from sunrise to sundown. I have been lucky enough to bum a few rides on the sled into epic steeps and its well worth the adventure. Hit Cristian up at his website Dos Tiempos and hire him for your next Chile Snowboard Trip.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
LG Bboy Chile Breakdance Battle - June 20, 2009
LG is presenting a BBoy Battle at Teatro Caupolican in Santiago, Chile on Saturday June 20, 2009. Up to 16 crews will be battling for a $5000us first place prize and a ticket to the Latino Championships.
Fecha20 de Junio , 2009
LugarTeatro Caupolican
PatrocinadorLG Electronics/Claro
Produccion B Boy World / / Circulo Bboy / Evolution Producciones
1 lugar: 5.000 $ US + Trofeo + Ticket al campeonato Latino
2 lugar: 3.000 $ US
3 lugar: 1.000 $ US (*unicamente 1 tercer lugar)
- Audiencia que participe en el evento
- Campeonato LG B Boy Ronda de Chile
- Escaparate B Boy Coreano
- Invitados especiales del show (Movimiento original, Ultratumba)
- Fiesta con Música de baile
1 PARTEFOYER: 11:00 – 19:30
Maquinas de baile
Carritos de comida
Display Productos LG
Primera ronda16 equipos 8 batallas 5:5
Programa de la tarde
Cuartas de final 8 crews,
Semi finales 4 crews,
Finales 2 crews,
Jinjo Crew showcase, ( CREW DE KOREA)
Mc`s showcase,
Premio best B Boy
Evento participación de Público
Ceremonia de Premiación
Termina Evento, música suena gente baile
Fecha Campeonato: Sabado 20 de Junio del 2009
Lugar:Teatro Caupolican.
Preliminar 11:00 hrs.
Top 8.
15:00 Hrs.
El Campeonato LG BBOY es una Batalla 5 v/s 5.
Mayores de 18 Años. No se permite la participación de menores de edad.
Cada Crew debe componerse de exactamente 5 Bboys o Bgirls. (En el caso de que algun participante no pueda participar por razones inesperadas el dia del Campeonato, la oficina ejecutiva podrá aprobar o sustituir al participante, o permitirles a la Crew participar con un numero inferior a 5 Bboys.
Sistema de Batalla.
1ª Ronda / pre eliminatoria / batalla de 5 minutos
Siguen en competencia las mejores 8 crews en total. Nota: No exactamente quedan seleccionadas la crew ganadora de Batalla. Si no las mejores 8, es decir, que si en una batalla las dos crews son buenas quedan seleccionadas las 2.
Cupo: 16 Crews en competencia / nota: En caso de sobrepasar el cupo de 16 Crews Inscritas, la organización Circulo Bboy se reserva el derecho de la selección de las 16 crews para la preliminar del Campeonato LG BBOY.
Fecha Máxima de inscripcion el 11 DE JUNIO del presente año, pasada la fecha no se recibirán documentos
2ª Ronda / Top 8 / batalla 7 minutos.
Bboy Menno(HustleKidz Crew/Hollanda),
Bgirl MovieOne(Lunaticks Crew/Spain),
Bboy Skim(JinJoCrew/Korea)
OVERALL: Estilo en general y espiritu de la Crew
EXCLUSION & CLEANNESS: Level de Completacion y limpieza del el Move
CREATIVITY & ORIGINALITY : legitimación i originalidad de el Move y de Style
RHYTHM & STYLE : Musicalidad y Elementos Coreografías.
DIFFICULTY & STRENGTH : Level de Dificultad.
Ficha de Inscripción Completas, es decir, no debe faltar ningun item, ni Fotografia de Crew.
1º Lugar $5000 dolares
2º Lugar $3000 dolares
3º Lugar $1000 dolares
Nota: Este Campeonato no considera Alojamiento.
Fecha20 de Junio , 2009
LugarTeatro Caupolican
PatrocinadorLG Electronics/Claro
Produccion B Boy World / / Circulo Bboy / Evolution Producciones
1 lugar: 5.000 $ US + Trofeo + Ticket al campeonato Latino
2 lugar: 3.000 $ US
3 lugar: 1.000 $ US (*unicamente 1 tercer lugar)
- Audiencia que participe en el evento
- Campeonato LG B Boy Ronda de Chile
- Escaparate B Boy Coreano
- Invitados especiales del show (Movimiento original, Ultratumba)
- Fiesta con Música de baile
1 PARTEFOYER: 11:00 – 19:30
Maquinas de baile
Carritos de comida
Display Productos LG
Primera ronda16 equipos 8 batallas 5:5
Programa de la tarde
Cuartas de final 8 crews,
Semi finales 4 crews,
Finales 2 crews,
Jinjo Crew showcase, ( CREW DE KOREA)
Mc`s showcase,
Premio best B Boy
Evento participación de Público
Ceremonia de Premiación
Termina Evento, música suena gente baile
Fecha Campeonato: Sabado 20 de Junio del 2009
Lugar:Teatro Caupolican.
Preliminar 11:00 hrs.
Top 8.
15:00 Hrs.
El Campeonato LG BBOY es una Batalla 5 v/s 5.
Mayores de 18 Años. No se permite la participación de menores de edad.
Cada Crew debe componerse de exactamente 5 Bboys o Bgirls. (En el caso de que algun participante no pueda participar por razones inesperadas el dia del Campeonato, la oficina ejecutiva podrá aprobar o sustituir al participante, o permitirles a la Crew participar con un numero inferior a 5 Bboys.
Sistema de Batalla.
1ª Ronda / pre eliminatoria / batalla de 5 minutos
Siguen en competencia las mejores 8 crews en total. Nota: No exactamente quedan seleccionadas la crew ganadora de Batalla. Si no las mejores 8, es decir, que si en una batalla las dos crews son buenas quedan seleccionadas las 2.
Cupo: 16 Crews en competencia / nota: En caso de sobrepasar el cupo de 16 Crews Inscritas, la organización Circulo Bboy se reserva el derecho de la selección de las 16 crews para la preliminar del Campeonato LG BBOY.
Fecha Máxima de inscripcion el 11 DE JUNIO del presente año, pasada la fecha no se recibirán documentos
2ª Ronda / Top 8 / batalla 7 minutos.
Bboy Menno(HustleKidz Crew/Hollanda),
Bgirl MovieOne(Lunaticks Crew/Spain),
Bboy Skim(JinJoCrew/Korea)
OVERALL: Estilo en general y espiritu de la Crew
EXCLUSION & CLEANNESS: Level de Completacion y limpieza del el Move
CREATIVITY & ORIGINALITY : legitimación i originalidad de el Move y de Style
RHYTHM & STYLE : Musicalidad y Elementos Coreografías.
DIFFICULTY & STRENGTH : Level de Dificultad.
Ficha de Inscripción Completas, es decir, no debe faltar ningun item, ni Fotografia de Crew.
1º Lugar $5000 dolares
2º Lugar $3000 dolares
3º Lugar $1000 dolares
Nota: Este Campeonato no considera Alojamiento.
Breakdance Chile,
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Manuel Diaz Chilean Snowboarder
What is it like to Snowboard in Chile? Watch as Pro Snowboarder Manuel Diaz shows us what its like to spend a day snowboarding the Andes. A complete day exploring the mountains, and shredding the backcountry.
We meet up with Manuel at his house in Farellones. I was traveling with the television crew from 24/7 TV Chile. We were on a mission to show exactly what a day in the life of a snowboarder in Chile is like. Manuel Diaz was the perfect candidate because he is truly the best Chilean freestyle rider out there. He's able to build and destroy big jumps and he's got a good style. His sponsors include Nitro Snowboards, Billabong Clothing, Bern Helmets, Spacecraft, and POW gloves.
So we met with Manuel and proceeded to fill up gas at the local gas station, which has gallons of gas at over $5.00 USD each. Ouch! Products are always more expensive up in the mountains. Then we get the gas and head up to the top, where we dropped the snowmobiles and took off for the upper backcountry. The powder was deep and it took us a while to get out there, but when we finally did, we realized that there was a perfect spot to build a jump out in the middle of nowhere, with a nice steep landing. In snowboarding you really can't ask for much else, so we were very happy that we found this place. The snow was deep and dry and the sun was shining. Classic Andes mountain riding.
We did a little interviewing, where I got interviewed for 24/7 about my recent dvd Sentimental Values and we did an interview with Manuel about building jumps. Then all the camera guys got into position across the valley and got ready to get some shots. Manuel went to hit the jump with Vicho, another local rider. Manuel proceeded to land trick after trick, including fs360, swbs540, fs540, fs720, cab9, bs180, and almost a fs1080. Vicho had some trouble since it was his first jump in a few months and let Manuel take over session. It was an incredible moment to see. Manuel was unstoppable and everything worked out great. The hardest part of the day was snowmobiling out of the area doubling with the sleds in some very steep terrain. It was a great start to June snowboarding in Chile. Thanks to Manuel, Felipe Costa, and Marcello Flores for getting this day organized for us.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ski Araucarias New Snowpark


Ski Araucarias just released this map of their new snowpark and lift access terrain. This resort is located in the south of Chile on a glacier. The highest chairlift reaches 1,942 Meters or 6371 feet. The resort is located 82kms northeast of Temuco, Chile on the Llaima Volcano in the 9th region of Chile. It is within the Nacional Park Conguillio, a beautiful location with forests of Araucaria trees, also known as Monkey trees. You might have seen this location in Planet Earth's segment on forests. To get there from Temuco go North on Route 5: the Panamerican Highway and go east on Ruta S-31, passing through Vilcun and Cherquenco and you'll reach the resort of Las Araucarias. From Santiago go south on Route 5: the Panamerican Highway until you pass Lautaro, then head east on Ruta S-31 before you reach Temuco.
This resort will be a true sight to see, and its a world away from the more modern resorts such as Valle Nevado or Termas de Chillan. Be prepared for stormy weather and possible road closings. Anything is possible in the South of Chile. Good luck and have a great time at Las Araucarias.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Guided Chile Snowboard Tour
Chileloco is proud to announce our summer 2009 Guided Chile Snowboard Tour for skilled riders only. Visit three mountain resorts with the option of more. Guide and videographer Jeremy Dubs(Funner Films) will capture your trip in full HD-quality video. You will ride the deepest pow Chile has to offer and meet with cool local riders as well as visiting professional snowboarding teams. Ride your choice of El Colorado Ski Resort, La Parva, or Valle Nevado, learning each resort with the locals and getting your riding filmed. Lodging will be arranged based on personal preferences. Options include hostel, hotel, and locals homestay.
We have been in Chile the last 4 winters and are expecting this one to be the best. Living in the mountains, ski-in-ski out style is the best way to experience what Chile is all about. That's why you'll be staying in the mountains, away from the mess of the city and commuting hassle. You'll be able to stay on your board all day long if you like, since most of the restaurants and bars are located next to the mountainside. There are also discotheques that open at 12pm and close sometime after sunrise. The scenery is unreal, something similar to Alaska with large mountainous peaks and probably the best sunsets you will ever experience. The tours are flexible, which means that we're always ready to show you a good time, however you'd like to experience life in Chile.
Basic Package: 4 days, 3 nights
Day 1:
Pickup at Santiago Intl Airport
Dropoff at lodging
Possibility of snowboarding depends upon arrival time
Guided tour of Farellones
Day 2:
Snowboarding at World famous Valle Nevado Resort. Experience the dry cold pow of the Chilean Andes at 10,000+ ft.
Afterwards hang out and eat sushi or pizza in the hotel lounge where all the South American models who came to ski will be waiting to practice their English with you.
Day 3:
Snowboarding at El Colorado Ski Resort. Hit up Chile's most famous snow park, which boasts the most features of any around. Or ride backcountry powder with our pro guides.
Afterparty at Happy Hour, the greatest place to spend the hours from 3 - 7 drinking and experience the musical mastery of Djs spinning records and ladies dancing
Day 4:
Snowboarding La Parva if possible.
Transport to a Santiago hotel or airport available.
Contact for info, dates available, and pricing
We have been in Chile the last 4 winters and are expecting this one to be the best. Living in the mountains, ski-in-ski out style is the best way to experience what Chile is all about. That's why you'll be staying in the mountains, away from the mess of the city and commuting hassle. You'll be able to stay on your board all day long if you like, since most of the restaurants and bars are located next to the mountainside. There are also discotheques that open at 12pm and close sometime after sunrise. The scenery is unreal, something similar to Alaska with large mountainous peaks and probably the best sunsets you will ever experience. The tours are flexible, which means that we're always ready to show you a good time, however you'd like to experience life in Chile.
Basic Package: 4 days, 3 nights
Day 1:
Pickup at Santiago Intl Airport
Dropoff at lodging
Possibility of snowboarding depends upon arrival time
Guided tour of Farellones
Day 2:
Snowboarding at World famous Valle Nevado Resort. Experience the dry cold pow of the Chilean Andes at 10,000+ ft.
Afterwards hang out and eat sushi or pizza in the hotel lounge where all the South American models who came to ski will be waiting to practice their English with you.
Day 3:
Snowboarding at El Colorado Ski Resort. Hit up Chile's most famous snow park, which boasts the most features of any around. Or ride backcountry powder with our pro guides.
Afterparty at Happy Hour, the greatest place to spend the hours from 3 - 7 drinking and experience the musical mastery of Djs spinning records and ladies dancing
Day 4:
Snowboarding La Parva if possible.
Transport to a Santiago hotel or airport available.
Contact for info, dates available, and pricing
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Chile Snowboard Tour Part 1
A collection of traveling clips and friends snowboarding from our first trip to Chile with a crew from Washington State. Experience the vibe, people, and sights of this beautiful country.
Starring: Jeremy Dubs, Tarek Husevold, Nico Inzerella, Jason Provins, Ricardo Parot, Cole Kozloff, Nate Lind, Jayme Wiseman, Sean Brown, Devin Carroll, Ismael Cuadra, Luciana, Nolan Cumings, Daniel, Nico Saric, Hernan, Mauricio, Flavio, Chispa and more.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Chile Snowboard Freestyle and Freeride
Manuel Diaz, Sebastian Camus, and Martin Parada show you what its like to snowboard the Chilean Andes. These are Chilean snowboarders from Chile. This clip is originally from the movie Funner Filete: From Baker to Chile.
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